Wednesday, February 8, 2012

To Smoke, or Not To Smoke...When Broke?

That is a title straight out of a Dr, Suess book if I have ever heard one. Dr. Suess for adults, that is. We wouldn't want our children talking about smoking at that age.

Now, before I go off on what I believe will help fellow smoker's in the long run, if you don't smoke, feel free to read, but keep your comments to yourself. If you've ever eaten a piece of cheesecake, or cake for that matter, you know it's not good for you, but you do it anyways. Us and fat people just have to deal with the consequences of going out in public with our habits. So no saying "You know, smoking isn't good for you." Yes, we all know that. We hear it everyday and your one tiny opinion is just going to make us want to smoke more. You aren't doing any good.

So, let me tell you what kind of smokers we are. We're the pack-a-day, run-of-the-mill, if I don't have a smoke I am going to kill someone type of smokers. No matter how much you smoke though, it's always going to burn a hole in your pocket. Smokes are expensive, and they're only going up.

Mike happens to be a rich man smoker. What is a rich man smoker? The type of guy who buys the $13.00 per pack smokes until he really only has ten dollars left, so he buys one of the cheaper brands.

I on the other hand, am a median woman smoker, the one who thinks about how much it's going to cost me for the week and feels really guilty about wasting all my money on smokes.

So, let's go over the costs for a typical pack a day smoker for one month and really dive into the numbers for a minute.

In Mike's case:

$13.00/day = 390.00 per month

In my case:

$10.00/day = 300.00 per month

Now, let's look at our options. We could cut down, but who really does that? Who wants to keep track of how many smokes they have each day? I know I sure don't. So really, you only have two options left. You either quit (most likely not going to happen either), or you roll your own smokes.

Rolling your smokes when you don't have the budget to be spending $300+ on smokes is so worth it. It would cost me roughly $100/month to roll my smokes. Sure, it's more work...but it feels good at the end of the month when all of your bills are paid and you have money left over for savings. We'd be essentially saving $490 per month. That is our entire car payment right there, plus some. Imagine that.

So, if you really want to know what to do when you are strapped for cash, don't waste it on a pack of smokes. Buy the tobacco and roll them yourself. If you don't then your two other options don't really allow you to smoke.

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