Monday, February 6, 2012

What Made Me Broke In The First Place

I decided to start my own personal finance blog for two reasons, one is that most personal finance blogs I have been reading, really just don't apply to me, so I am sure they don't apply to a lot of people out there. The second reason, is that I really need an outlet and to see my habits and to see what I am doing to fix them to truly change my circumstances around.

I became a single mother at sixteen, no job, still in school, with only the help of my parents. Since then, I have been on social assistance. Let me tell you what social assistance really does. It keeps you stuck in the same place for years. Sure, it's great when you need to finish high school, but then what? Do you get a mediocre job, or stay on assistance?

I met my fiancee Mike about one and a half years ago, and we have been happily living together ever since. Well, we decided to get out of low income housing and just make the jump off social assistance. So here we are, two months into our decision, and we couldn't be happier, but we also couldn't be more broke than we are now.

We're expecting our first (my second) child in July, which makes getting a job, or a career for that matter, almost impossible. This is something I want to change, and hopefully it will inspire a few others as well. Follow my journey to financial independence...I am sure it isn't going to be easy, but it's real.

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